OneStudyTeam: Patient Visit View

How might we redesign the current Patient Visit View within the app to create more efficient workflows and better meet site enrollment goals?

  • Context

    My Role: End-to-end UX/UI Designer

    Company: OneStudyTeam

    Time: 3 months

    Impact: Reduced number of clicks to complete a visit by more than 50%. ✨

  • Problem

    It takes Clinicians too long to locate and complete patient documents in the app. Because of this slow down, there are fewer patients seen per day, which keeps sites from hitting their trial enrollment goals. Ultimately, this delays the testing and approval of life-saving treatments.

  • Solution

    A redesigned app entry point with more intuitively organized patient information and progress statuses. Plus, introduce a brand new individual patient view that will house the necessary forms separately per visit.

Research Insights

  • Currently, all forms associated to a patient appear on the Patient View in one giant list. There’s no way to tell which visit each form is associated to.

  • There’s no way to search within the documents in the patient view. So not only is there a GIANT list of documents, but there’s no way to filter, search, or pare down this list.

  • Clinical Trial Leads land in the app on the All Documents view which is a view they almost never use! A different entry point would be more efficient and usable for their workflows.

  • The Clinical Trial Leads can see all of the documents associated to a patient, but have no idea if the forms have been filled out, started, or completed. CTLs also have no way of knowing which visit the patient is on.

Product Requirements

  1. Display visits and forms separately

2. Display progress of the patient’s visits

4. Display Visit Window Calculator

3. Display upcoming appointments for patients

Designing Solutions

After brainstorming, sketching, and ideating these were the top 3 solutions to meet the needs of Clinical Trial personnel.

Option 1

✔️ Organized by Visit

✔️ Progress for each Visit

✖️ Appointment Schedule

✖️ See all appointments

✖️ Visit Window Calculator

Option 2

✔️ Organized by Visit

✔️ Progress for each Visit

✔️ Appointment Schedule

✔️ Visit Window Calculator

✖️ See all appointments

Option 3

✔️ Organized by Visit

✔️ Progress for each Visit

✔️ Appointment Schedule

✔️ Visit Window Calculator

✔️ See all appointments


  • Visit Progress

    Including clear and organized information about a patient’s progress in a trial was one of the top priorities for this design. With the 3 solutions I generated 2/3 show the progress not only for the individual visits but for the specific forms attached to each visit.

  • Brand Consistency

    OneStudyTeam offers a suite of products for Clinical Trial Sites as well as Sponsors so for usability as well as for a smoother build for our Engineers, it was important that the solution be consistent with the components and UI already existing across our products.

  • Patient Appointments

    Another important feature for this redesign is incorporating the scheduled appointments that a patient has. While designing solutions, each of the 3 final solutions incorporates the patient’s next appointment, and one solution denotes all scheduled appointments.

Drumroll please...

Drumroll please...

The winner is Option 3!


  • Meets the product requirements (progress of visits, multiple appointments, visit window calculator)

  • Displays visits separately, housing documents within each visit

  • Can be built faster by our Engineers because of consistency with other parts of the product

  • Due to consistency, learnability is strong making it intuitive for users

Quick glow up of the All Visits View…..


What am I looking at? A giant list of all documents for this patient (not organized and not searchable in any way)


What am I looking at? Documents organized by visit, the progress of each visit, the upcoming appointments, and the visit window calculator, ALL IN ONE VIEW! :)

🙌🏻 What you can’t tell from these screens….this redesign was a BIG win for Clinical Trial Site Coordinators, Researchers, Leads, and Patients!

But wait…..

Now that I’ve organized a Patient’s documents by visit, I need to create a screen to display the forms within the visit (which our product doesn’t currently offer)!

Iterate, Iterate, Iterate

Solution + Impact

An Individual Visits View that displays…

  • All Forms associated to the visit

  • Complete and Partially Completed statuses for forms

  • Folders to organize forms by Required, Logs, and Additional Documents


  • More than 50% reduction in clicks required to complete a patient visit

  • More patient visits can be completed per day

  • Increased likelihood of meeting site enrollment goals per trial